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dynalign is used to find the lowest free energy common secondary structures for two homologous sequences. It has two distinct executables, a serial program called dynalign and a parallelized program called dynalign-smp for use in shared memory environments.

dynalign_ii supercedes dynalign and should be used for most applications. dynalign_ii allows inserts of structural domains that appear in only one of the two homologs. dynalign_ii also allows unpaired nucleotides to align to paired nucleotides. dynalign_ii-smp is a parallelized version for shared memory environments.

Note that on Macintosh OS X, and some versions of Linux, there is a small default stack limit. To run Dynalign/Dynalign II, the stack limit needs to be increased.
On the default shell, bash, use ulimit -s 4096.
If you are using tcsh, use limit stack 4096.
The limits can be increased as necessary if the given values above are not sufficient.

USAGE 1: dynalign_ii <configuration file>

USAGE 2: dynalign_ii-smp <configuration file>


USAGE 1: dynalign <configuration file>

USAGE 2: dynalign-smp <configuration file>

Required parameters:

<configuration file> The name of a file containing required configuration data.

Options which do not require added values:


Options that require added values:


dynalign_ii configuration file format:

The following is a description of valid options allowed in the configuration file.
The example is based on dynalign_ii_sample.conf, a standard example found in the examples directory of the RNAstructure repository.

# Config file options described below are not case sensitive.
# Option lines may be specified by the option name followed by an equals sign and the option's desired value.
# When specifying an option, there may be nothing else on the line.
# If an option is specified more than once, the last specification is used.
# <option> = <value>
# Specifying comment lines:
# Comment lines must begin with "#" followed by a space.
# There may not be more than one "#" in a comment line.
# However, a comment line may be an unbroken string of "#", as in a divider between sets of options.
# Blank lines are skipped.
# Any leading or trailing whitespace is ignored.
# Variables may not contain internal whitespace.
# Syntax errors produce a warning to standard output and are then ignored.

# Required input
# If one of these values is not defined, the program will exit.

#These are required input:
inseq1 = RD0260.seq
inseq2 = RD0500.seq
outct = 1.ct
outct2 = 2.ct
aout = ali.ali

# Options with default values if not explicitly specified
# (Default values are shown)

#fgap is the per nucleotide insert penalty for alignments:
fgap = .4
#slope is the per nucleotide free energy penalty for inserted domains
slope = 0.1
#intercept is the initiation free energy penalty for inserted domains
intercept = 0.5
#maxtrace is the masximum number of predicted structures:
maxtrace = 750
#percent is the maximum % change in free energy from the lowest free energy structure
percent = 20
#bpwin is the base pair window
bpwin = 2
#awin is the alignment window
awin = 1

#singlefold_subopt_percent is the maximum % difference in folding free energy change
#from single sequence folding for pairs that will be allowed in a subsequent Dynalign calculation.
#This is used to save calculation time by pre-screening allowed pairs.
singlefold_subopt_percent = 30

#imaxseparation is the traditional M parameter:
#-99 indicates that the alignment constraint (preferred method is used)
imaxseparation = -99

#max_elongation is the maximum length of a consecutive set of base pairs aligned with an internal loop with the same length
max_elongation = 5

#num_processor is required only for smp (parallel) calculations
num_processors = 1

#optimal only is optional, only the lowest free energy structure is calculated if optimal_only = 1
optimal_only = 0

#local alignment is performed if local = 1, the default is 0 (global alignment)
local = 0

#The following are needed for progressive calculations
#dsv_templated is set to 1 to read the template from previous calculation
dsv_templated = 0
# dsvtemplatename = RD0260.RD0500.dsv

#The following are used to predict a structure for sequence 2, where the structure for sequence 1 is known.
#If ct_templated is set to 1, inseq1 must refer to a ct file, NOT a sequence file.
ct_templated = 0

#The following parameters are used when SHAPE data is utilized (see below).
#There is a set of parameters for each sequence.
#shapeslope1 = 1.8
#shapeintercept1 = -0.6
#shapeslope2 = 1.8
#shapeintercept2 = -0.6

#The following can be used to run Dynalign using DNA thermodynamics instead of RNA.
#Use DNA = 1 to do DNA structure prediction.
DNA = 0

#The following is used to change the temperature from the default of 310.15 K (37 degrees C).
temperature = 310.15

# Options that are not required and have no default values

#savefiles are optional and are needed for dot plots
# savefile = RD0260.RD0500.dsv

#Folding constraints can be input using constraint files:
#constraint_1_file = constraints_for_sequence1
#constraint_2_file = constraints_for_sequence2

#SHAPE data can be input using .shape files for either, neither, or both
# SHAPE is utilized using the pseudo free energy method of Deigan et al.
# PNAS 106:97
#shape_1_file = shape_for_sequence1
#shape_2_file = shape_for_sequence2

#Use constraint_align_file to enforce specific nucleotide alignments
#constraint_align_file = aln.txt

#Use maximumpairingdistance to limit the maximum distance between
# paired nucleotides (where the final # indicates the sequence #).
# Note that this only works for sequence 1 if the calculation is not
# cttemplated or dsvtemplated.
#maximumpairingdistance1 = 600
#maximumpairingdistance2 = 600

dynalign configuration file format:

The following is a description of valid options allowed in the configuration file. The example is based on dynalign_sample.conf, a standard example found in the examples directory of the RNAstructure repository.

# Config file options described below are not case sensitive.
# Option lines may be specified by the option name followed by an equals sign and the option's desired value.
# When specifying an option, there may be nothing else on the line.
# If an option is specified more than once, the last specification is used.
# <option> = <value>
# Specifying comment lines:
# Comment lines must begin with "#" followed by a space.
# There may not be more than one "#" in a comment line.
# However, a comment line may be an unbroken string of "#", as in a divider between sets of options.
# Blank lines are skipped.
# Any leading or trailing whitespace is ignored.
# Variables may not contain internal whitespace.
# Syntax errors produce a warning to standard output and are then ignored.

# Required input
# If one of these values is not defined, the program will exit.

inseq1 = <seq file 1>
inseq2 = <seq file 2>
outct = <output ct file for seq 1>
outct2 = <output ct file for seq 2>
aout = <output alignment file>

# Options with default values if not explicitly specified
# (Default values are shown)

# fgap is the per nucleotide insert penalty for alignments:
fgap = .4

# maxtrace is the masximum number of predicted structures:
maxtrace = 750

# percent is the maximum % change in free energy from the lowest free energy structure:
percent = 20

# bpwin is the base pair window:
bpwin = 2

# awin is the alignment window:
awin = 1

# insert indicates whether single basepair inserts will be allowed:
insert = 1

# singlefold_subopt_percent is the maximum % difference in folding free energy change
# from single sequence folding for pairs that will be allowed in a subsequent Dynalign calculation.
# This is used to save calculation time by pre-screening allowed pairs.
singlefold_subopt_percent = 30

# imaxseparation is the traditional M parameter:
# -99 indicates that the alignment constraint (preferred method is used)
imaxseparation = -99

# num_processor is required only for smp (parallel) calculations
num_processors = 1

# optimal only is optional, only the lowest free energy structure is calculated if optimal_only = 1
optimal_only = 0

# local alignment is performed if local = 1, the default is 0 (global alignment)
local = 0

# the following are needed for progressive calculations
# dsv_templated is set to 1 to read the template from previous calculation
dsv_templated = 0
dsvtemplatename = <template file name>

# The following are used to predict a structure for sequence 2, where the structure for sequence 1 is known.
# If ct_templated is set to 1, inseq1 must refer to a ct file, NOT a sequence file.
ct_templated = 0

# The following parameters are used when SHAPE data is utilized (see below).
# There is a set of parameters for each sequence.
shapeslope1 = 1.8
shapeintercept1 = -0.6
shapeslope2 = 1.8
shapeintercept2 = -0.6

# The following can be used to run Dynalign using DNA thermodynamics instead of RNA.
# Use DNA = 1 to do DNA structure prediction.
DNA = 0

# The following is used to change the temperature from the default of 310.15 K (37 degrees C).
temperature = 310.15

# Options that are not required and have no default values

# Savefiles are optional and are needed for dot plots.
savefile = <save file name>

# Folding constraints can be input using constraint files:
constraint_1_file = <constraint file for seq 1>
constraint_2_file = <constraint file for seq 2>

# SHAPE data can be input using .shape files for either, neither, or both
# SHAPE is utilized using the pseudo free energy method of Deigan et al.
# PNAS 106:97
shape_1_file = <SHAPE file for seq 1>
shape_2_file = <SHAPE file for seq 2>

# Use constraint_align_file to enforce specific nucleotide alignments.
constraint_align_file = <alignment constraints file>

# Use maximumpairingdistance to limit the maximum distance between
# paired nucleotides (where the final # indicates the sequence #).
# Note that this only works for sequence 1 if the calculation is not
# cttemplated or dsvtemplated.
maximumpairingdistance1 = <value for seq 1>
maximumpairingdistance2 = <value for seq 2>

Comparison of configuration file format:

dynalign_ii added parameters slope, intercept, and max_elongation, which apply only to dynalign_ii calculations. dynalign has a parameter, insert, which no longer applies to dynalign_ii.


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