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RNAstructure Command Line Help

PARTS takes two homologous sequences as input and aligns the two sequences and predits base pairing probabilities for conserved structures. It can run in three modes: map (maximum a posteriori) mode to find a maximum probability structure, pp (pair probability) mode, which yields a matrix of base pairing probabilities, or stochsample (stochastic sampling) to sample generated structures.

USAGE: PARTS <configuration file>

Required parameters:

<configuration file> The name of a file containing required configuration data.

Options that do not require added values:


Options that require added values:


Configuration file format:

The following is a description of valid options allowed in the configuration file.

# Config file options described below are case sensitive.
# Option lines may be specified by the option name followed by a space and the option's desired value.
# When specifying an option, there may be nothing else on the line.
# <option> <value>
# Specifying comment lines:
# Comment lines must begin with "#" followed by a space.
# There may not be more than one "#" in a comment line.
# However, a comment line may be an unbroken string of "#", as in a divider between sets of options.
# Blank lines are skipped.

# Required input

seq1 seq1.seq
seq2 seq2.seq
mode map (or pp or stochsample)

# Output files; if these aren't specified defaults are used.

# Output file for sequence 1 in pp mode
seq1_pp_op ../my_pp1

# Output file for sequence 2 in pp mode
seq2_pp_op my_pp2

# Output ct for sequence 1 in stochsample mode
seq1_sample_ct_op ../my_ct1_sample.txt

# Output ct for sequence 2 in stochsample mode
seq2_sample_ct_op ../../my_ct2_sample.txt

# Output alignment file for stochsample mode
sample_aln_op ./my_aln_sample.txt

# Output ct for sequence 1 in map mode
seq1_map_ct_op ../my_map_ct1.txt

# Output ct for sequence 2 in map mode
seq2_map_ct_op ../../my_map_ct2.txt

# Output alignment file for map mode
map_aln_op ../my_map_aln.txt

# Other parameters

# Number of structures to sample in stochsample mode
nsamp 1000


  1. Reuter, J.S. and Mathews, D.H.
    "RNAstructure: software for RNA secondary structure prediction and analysis."
    BMC Bioinformatics, 11:129. (2010).
  2. Harmanci, A.O., Sharma, G. and Mathews, D.H.
    "Stochastic sampling of the RNA structural alignment space."
    Nucleic Acids Res., 37:4063-4075. (2009).
  3. Harmanci, A.O., Sharma, G. and Mathews, D.H.
    "PARTS: Probabilistic Alignment for RNA joinT Secondary structure prediction."
    Nucleic Acids Res., 36:2406-2417. (2008).