This is the complete list of members for Oligowalk_object, including all inherited members.
AddComment(const char comment[], const int structurenumber=1) | RNA | |
BreakPseudoknot(const bool minimum_energy=true, const int structurenumber=0, const bool useFastMethod=true) | RNA | |
CalculateFreeEnergy(const int structurenumber=1, const bool UseSimpleMBLoopRules=false) | RNA | |
ClearEnergies() | Thermodynamics | |
ClearEnthalpies() | Thermodynamics | |
CommonConstructor() | Oligowalk_object | private |
ContainsPseudoknot(const int structurenumber) | RNA | |
copied | Thermodynamics | protected |
data | Thermodynamics | protected |
DetermineDrawingCoordinates(const int height, const int width, const int structurenumber=1) | RNA | |
EnsureStructureCapcacity(const int minimumStructures) | RNA | |
enthalpy | Thermodynamics | protected |
ErrorCode | RNA | protected |
FileReader(const char filename[], const RNAInputType fileType) | RNA | protected |
FoldSingleStrand(const float percent=20, const int maximumstructures=20, const int window=5, const char savefile[]="", const int maxinternalloopsize=30, bool mfeonly=false, bool simple_iloops=true, bool disablecoax=false) | RNA | |
ForceDoubleStranded(const int i) | RNA | |
ForceFMNCleavage(const int i) | RNA | |
ForceMaximumPairingDistance(const int distance) | RNA | |
ForceModification(const int i) | RNA | |
ForcePair(const int i, const int j) | RNA | |
ForceProhibitPair(const int i, const int j) | RNA | |
ForceSingleStranded(const int i) | RNA | |
GenerateAllSuboptimalStructures(const float percent=5, const double deltaG=0.6) | RNA | |
GetAlphabetName() const | Thermodynamics | |
GetBackboneType() const | RNA | |
GetBreakTargetDG(const int index) | Oligowalk_object | |
GetCommentString(const int structurenumber=1) | RNA | |
GetDatatable() | Thermodynamics | |
GetDuplexDG(const int index) | Oligowalk_object | |
GetEnergyRead() const | Thermodynamics | |
GetEnsembleDefect(const int structurenumber=1) | RNA | |
GetEnsembleEnergy() | RNA | |
GetEnthalpyTable(const char *alphabet=NULL) | Thermodynamics | |
GetErrorCode() const | RNA | |
GetErrorDetails() const | RNA | |
GetErrorMessage(const int error) | Oligowalk_object | |
GetErrorMessageString(const int error) const | RNA | |
GetForcedDoubleStranded(const int constraintnumber) | RNA | |
GetForcedFMNCleavage(const int constraintnumber) | RNA | |
GetForcedModification(const int constraintnumber) | RNA | |
GetForcedPair(const int constraintnumber, const bool fiveprime) | RNA | |
GetForcedProhibitedPair(const int constraintnumber, const bool fiveprime) | RNA | |
GetForcedSingleStranded(const int constraintnumber) | RNA | |
GetFreeEnergy(const int structurenumber) | RNA | |
GetFullErrorMessage() const | RNA | |
GetLabelXCoordinate(const int i) | RNA | |
GetLabelYCoordinate(const int i) | RNA | |
GetMaximumPairingDistance() | RNA | |
GetNucleotide(const int i) | RNA | |
GetNucleotideXCoordinate(const int i) | RNA | |
GetNucleotideYCoordinate(const int i) | RNA | |
GetNumberOfForcedDoubleStranded() | RNA | |
GetNumberOfForcedFMNCleavages() | RNA | |
GetNumberOfForcedModifications() | RNA | |
GetNumberOfForcedPairs() | RNA | |
GetNumberOfForcedProhibitedPairs() | RNA | |
GetNumberOfForcedSingleStranded() | RNA | |
GetOligoOligoDG(const int index) | Oligowalk_object | |
GetOligoSelfDG(const int index) | Oligowalk_object | |
GetOverallDG(const int index) | Oligowalk_object | |
GetPair(const int i, const int structurenumber=1) | RNA | |
GetPairEnergy(const int i, const int j) | RNA | |
GetPairProbabilities(double *arr, const int size) | RNA | |
GetPairProbability(const int i, const int j) | RNA | |
GetProgress() | RNA | |
GetSequence() | RNA | |
GetSequenceLength() const | RNA | |
GetStructure() | RNA | |
GetStructureNumber() const | RNA | |
GetTemperature() const | Thermodynamics | |
GetTm(const int index) | Oligowalk_object | |
IsAlphabetRead() const | Thermodynamics | |
isrna | Thermodynamics | |
length | Oligowalk_object | private |
MaximizeExpectedAccuracy(const double maxPercent=20, const int maxStructures=20, const int window=1, const double gamma=1.0) | RNA | |
nominal_alphabetName | Thermodynamics | protected |
nominal_temperature | Thermodynamics | protected |
numofsubstructures | Oligowalk_object | private |
OligoScreen(const char infilename[], const char outfilename[]) | Oligowalk_object | |
Oligowalk(const int oligo_length, const bool isDNA, const int option, const double oligo_concentration, const int usesub, const int start, const int stop) | Oligowalk_object | |
Oligowalk_object(const char sequence[]) | Oligowalk_object | |
Oligowalk_object(const char filename[], const int type) | Oligowalk_object | |
Oligowalk_object(const bool IsRNA=true) | Oligowalk_object | |
PartitionFunction(const char savefile[]="", double temperature=-10.0, bool disablecoax=false, bool restoreSHAPE=true) | RNA | |
pfdata | RNA | protected |
PredictProbablePairs(const float probability=0) | RNA | |
prefilter | Oligowalk_object | private |
ProbKnot(int iterations=1, int MinHelixLength=1) | RNA | |
ProbKnotFromSample(int iterations=1, int MinHelixLength=1) | RNA | |
progress | RNA | protected |
Q | RNA | protected |
ReadConstraints(const char filename[]) | RNA | |
ReadDMS(const char filename[]) | RNA | |
ReadDSO(const char filename[]) | RNA | |
ReadExperimentalPairBonus(const char filename[], double const experimentalOffset, double const experimentalScaling) | RNA | |
ReadSHAPE(const char filename[], const double slope, const double intercept, RestraintType modifier=RESTRAINT_SHAPE, const bool IsPseudoEnergy=true) | RNA | |
ReadSHAPE(const char filename[], const double dsSlope, const double dsIntercept, const double ssSlope, const double ssIntercept, RestraintType modifier=RESTRAINT_SHAPE) | RNA | |
ReadSSO(const char filename[]) | RNA | |
ReadThermodynamic(const char *directory=NULL, const char *alphabet=NULL, const double temperature=-1.0) | Thermodynamics | |
ReFoldSingleStrand(const float percent=20, const int maximumstructures=20, const int window=5) | RNA | |
ReloadDataTables(const double new_temperature=-1.0) | Thermodynamics | |
RemoveBasePair(const int i, const int structurenumber=1) | RNA | |
RemoveConstraints() | RNA | |
RemovePairs(const int structurenumber=1, bool removeIfLastStructure=true) | RNA | |
ResetError() | RNA | |
RNA(const char sequence[], const bool IsRNA=true) | RNA | |
RNA(const char filepathOrSequence[], const RNAInputType fileType, const char *const alphabetName, const bool allowUnknownBases=false, const bool skipThermoTables=false) | RNA | |
RNA(const char filepathOrSequence[], const RNAInputType fileType, const Thermodynamics *copyThermo) | RNA | |
RNA(const char filename[], const RNAInputType fileType, const bool IsRNA=true) | RNA | |
RNA(const bool IsRNA=true) | RNA | |
Rsample(const vector< double > &experimentalRestraints, RsampleData &refdata, const int randomSeed=0, const char savefile[]="", const double cparam=0.5, const double offset=1.10, const int numsamples=10000) | RNA | |
SetErrorDetails(const string &details) | RNA | |
SetExtrinsic(int i, int j, double k) | RNA | |
SetProgress(ProgressHandler &Progress) | RNA | |
SetTemperature(double temperature) | Thermodynamics | |
skipThermoTables | Thermodynamics | protected |
SpecifyPair(const int i, const int j, const int structurenumber=1) | RNA | |
Stochastic(const int structures=1000, const int seed=1) | RNA | |
StopProgress() | RNA | |
table | Oligowalk_object | private |
Thermodynamics(const bool isRNA=true, const char *const alphabetName=NULL, const double temperature=310.15) | Thermodynamics | |
Thermodynamics(const Thermodynamics ©Thermo) | Thermodynamics | |
v | RNA | protected |
VerifyThermodynamic() | Thermodynamics | |
w | RNA | protected |
w3 | RNA | protected |
w5 | RNA | protected |
wca | RNA | protected |
wcoax | RNA | protected |
wl | RNA | protected |
wmb | RNA | protected |
wmbl | RNA | protected |
WriteConstraints(const char filename[]) | RNA | |
WriteCt(const char filename[], bool append=false, const CTCommentProvider &commentProvider=DEFAULT_CT_ENERGY_COMMENTS) const | RNA | |
WriteDotBracket(const char filename[], const int structurenumber=-1, const DotBracketFormat format=DBN_FMT_MULTI_TITLE, const CTCommentProvider &commentProvider=DEFAULT_CT_ENERGY_COMMENTS) const | RNA | |
WriteReport(const char outputfilename[], const int oligo_length, const bool isDNA, const int option, const double oligo_concentration, const int usesub, const int start, const int stop) | Oligowalk_object | |
WriteThermodynamicDetails(const char filename[], const bool UseSimpleMBLoopRules=false) | RNA | |
~Oligowalk_object() | Oligowalk_object | |
~RNA() | RNA | |
~Thermodynamics() | Thermodynamics |