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RNAstructure Command Line Help

refold takes a previously folded sequence and predicts a new set of suboptimal structures from it.

USAGE: refold <save file> <ct file> [options]

Required parameters:

<save file> The name of a binary folding save file containing folding information, generated by Fold.
<ct file> The name of a CT file to which output will be written.

Options that do not require added values:

-h, -H, --help Display the usage details message.

Options that require added values:

-m, -M, --maximum Specify a maximum number of structures. Note that suboptimal structures are generated until either the maximum number of structures are reached or the maximum percent difference is reached (below).
Default is 20 structures.
-p, -P, --percent Specify a maximum percent difference in folding free energy change in suboptimal structures. Note that suboptimal structures are generated until either the maximum percent free energy difference is reached or until the maximum number of structures is reached (above).
Default is 10 percent (specified as 10, not 0.1).
-w, -W, --window Specify a window size.
Default is determined by the length of the sequence.


  1. Reuter, J.S. and Mathews, D.H.
    "RNAstructure: software for RNA secondary structure prediction and analysis."
    BMC Bioinformatics>, 11:129. (2010).
  2. Mathews, D.H., Sabina, J., Zuker, M. and Turner, D.H.
    "Expanded sequence dependence of thermodynamic parameters provides improved prediction of RNA secondary structure."
    J. Mol. Biol., 288:911-940. (1999).